Trade March 11, 2022 9:55 AM
Higher sales volume, strong salmon prices boost Multi’s X Q4

By María Feijóo

Chilean salmon farmer Multi X saw its sales rise by 36.3% year-on-year to $176.8m in the fourth quarter of 2021

Analysis March 10, 2022 11:05 PM
Russian fisheries in danger of losing MSC label over auditor group’s decision

By Jason Huffman

'While respecting our contractual obligations with [conformity assessment bodies] and scheme owners, ASI will limit its activities in Russia where possible'

Whitefish March 10, 2022 6:58 PM
Its sales, earnings shoot up in 2021, but Premium stays mum on C&E talks

By Jason Smith

Premium Brands Holdings has acquired three companies selling everything from pizzas to sandwiches. But the seafood-hungry company announced no deals in the sector this time

Food Safety March 10, 2022 5:21 PM
Listeria, filth allegations prompt federal effort to close US processor

By Nick Sambides Jr.

Inspectors found Listeria monocytogenes where workers prepared seafood, including fish jerky and cold- and hot-smoked salmon, in inspections last year and in 2018

Prices March 10, 2022 9:46 AM
Norway’s fresh salmon export volume, price drop in week nine

By María Feijóo

The export volume of fresh Norwegian salmon fell further to 16,662t in week nine, as did its value, to NOK 83.80/kg, after reaching a peak the previous week

Traceability March 10, 2022 9:40 AM
Lingalaks invests in data, as 54m Norwegian salmon die in 2021

Aquaculture software firm Manolin said that about 54 million salmon died in net pens in 2021 -- 15.5% of the total Norwegian stock

Trout March 10, 2022 9:32 AM
Kingfish Company’s former CFO takes helm at Icelandic land-based farmer

Christo du Plessis, whom The Kingfish Company announced was stepping down, has joined the Aqua-Spark-backed Arctic charr and trout farmer Martorka as CEO

North America March 9, 2022 4:42 PM
Grieg doubles down on BC salmon farming bet with $19m hatchery

By Nick Sambides Jr.

Grieg Seafood plans to finish installing the growth management system at its British Columbia, Canada, hatchery this month and to start growing smolt in April

R&D March 9, 2022 10:11 AM
Scottish research strives to produce lice-resistant salmon

The study will include studying the response to lice attachment exhibited by coho salmon, a species of salmon which is fully resistant to sea lice

Atlantic salmon March 9, 2022 10:08 AM
Scottish Salmon Co lost over half its smolt at a hatchery in January

By Neil Ramsden

Its Applecross hatchery -- which received up to £5m in public sector funding late in 2021 -- suffered the deaths of over 500,000 smolt when it had to euthanize four tanks

(429 results)

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