Salmonid Jan. 18, 2022 11:46 AM
Chile salmon, trout exports soar to pre-COVID levels after strong 2021

By María Feijóo

Chilean salmon exports amounted to a total of $5.18 billion in 2021, representing a significant increase of 18.2% compared to 2020, data published by the Chilean Salmon Council shows

Prices Jan. 18, 2022 9:56 AM
DataSalmon: Chilean salmon prices start 2022 at high levels

Spot prices for salmon farmed in Chile rose on the US, Brazilian and Chinese markets in the first week of 2022

Sustainability Jan. 17, 2022 3:07 PM
Seafood Watch loses key aquaculture expert Voorhees to Cargill

By Jason Huffman

'It's the accumulation of the little things that makes the big things happen...' -- former Seafood Watch staffer Taylor Voorhees in a farewell note to friends and colleagues

Supply Jan. 17, 2022 10:31 AM
Mowi to close Canada plant due to anti-aquaculture gov’t policies

Mowi said the 'devastating' closure of its value-added processing plant follows the Canadian government's clampdown on salmon farming in the region

Aquaculture Jan. 17, 2022 10:26 AM
Scottish gov’t launches wild salmon rescue plan; no threat to farming

The government said a key contributory factor in the declining population of wild salmon appears to be climate change, and did not place any blame on aquaculture

Analysis Jan. 17, 2022 9:30 AM
Mowi’s high Q4 harvest volumes offset by weak margins, Canada losses

The company posted a total harvest of 117,000t for the quarter, some 11% above expectations; yet operational margins were down 10% on analyst predictions

Aquaculture Jan. 14, 2022 9:04 PM
Mowi’s salmon losses in Newfoundland more severe than might’ve been hoped

By Jason Huffman

The new data indicates Mowi lost at least 1.3 million salmon at its NL operations in the last four months of 2021, about 300,000 more than an earlier best-case projection

Analysis Jan. 14, 2022 10:05 AM
Grieg posts impressive cost reduction, harvests short of guidance for Q4

Total harvest volumes for the quarter came to 23,700t, below the original guidance of 25,100t, and producing a final annual harvest of 75,600t for 2021

Latin America Jan. 14, 2022 10:03 AM
Over 2,600t of salmon now dead from algae bloom in Chile

Chile's Sernapesca reported mortalities of 2,666t, of which 82% have been successfully withdrawn, at five fish farms belonging to Blumar, Salmones Austral and AquaChile

Prices Jan. 13, 2022 5:20 PM
NASDAQ: Norway salmon prices climb for week one

Spot prices for Norwegian farmed salmon rose for the first week of 2022, according to the NASDAQ Salmon Index

(191 results)

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