US imported blue swimming crab prices hit plateau after steep 19-month ascent
There's more swimming crab inventory in the US than there was even just a few months ago -- Troy Turkin, Supreme Crab & Seafood
Four hurricanes in 12 months cost Louisiana fisheries nearly $580m
'The landfall of four major hurricanes in a single state in such a short time frame [12 months and two days] is unprecedented in the northern Gulf of Mexico region' -- damage study
Strong US Dungeness season start begs question: Could this year be a runaway?
'We started with the highest starting price in the history of the fishery and we are catching quite a lot of crab' -- Hugh Link, executive director, Oregon Dungeness Crab Commission
Wild Alaskan announces four more staffing moves
The direct-to-consumer seafood pioneer attributes its recent changes to rapid expansion and maturation
Cornish king crab renaming scores win for UK fishermen
UK sales of spider crab have jumped by up to 400% after the species was renamed Cornish king crab in order to appeal to British consumers
US snow crab import volumes 9% ahead of 2020 pace with 63% y-o-y price jump
The US looks to have imported 9% more snow crab in 2021 and paying 78% more for it than in 2020, but that's before counting December
Indonesian gov’t plans network of ‘aquaculture villages’
The initiative is an effort to rapidly grow Indonesia's production of shrimp, lobster, crab and seaweed in a bid to speed up post-pandemic recovery
Maryland lawmaker pushes amendment to bolster blue crab industry workforce
Over 136,000 guest worker visas have been applied for to handle the period that runs from April 1 to Sept. 30, but only 33,000 are available -- US representative Andy Harris
‘It’s fun for a change’: Washington state crabbers start Dungeness season big
'It's an exciting time to be a shellfish biologist with all these species doing well. It's fun for a change.' -- Daniel Ayres, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife
US mussel grower seeks more acreage to overcome green crab problem
'In essence, we can no longer count on historical patterns for seed recruitment, so we have to look to catch the seed in the water column where the green crab can't reach it ...' -- Alex de Koning