North America Jan. 11, 2022 10:18 AM
Cargill bullish on flow-through prospects after Salmon Evolution investment

By Dan Gibson

The feed giant is also working on a set of solutions to the sea lice issues plaguing traditional farmers, according to aqua nutrition president Helene Ziv-Douki

Trout Jan. 10, 2022 5:35 PM
Blue Aqua plans $33m RAS trout farm in Singapore

BAI's facility will use Danish RAS technology supplier Assentoft Aqua's ModulRAS system to produce 1,088 metric tons of trout annually following a three-year buildout

North America Jan. 10, 2022 10:17 AM
Kingfish Co more than doubles harvest volumes, raises prices in positive 2021

The Dutch farmer doubled its sales from €5.0 million to €10.4m in 2021, a year that saw it produce 1,154t of yellowtail kingfish altogether

Atlantic salmon Jan. 7, 2022 2:40 PM
Alsaker Fjordbruk applies for 100,000t land-based salmon farm

By Neil Ramsden

Norwegian salmon farmer has applied for a flexible license to raise up to 100,000t of harvest-size salmon, or to produce as much as half of that as fish to supply for at-sea grow-out

R&D Jan. 7, 2022 10:14 AM
Iceland Ocean Cluster plans ‘eco-industrial park’ for land-based farming ops

Sjavarklasinn plans to develop a second collaborative space in a 30,000-square-meter building that was to be used for an aluminum plant in Helguvik, not far from Reykjavik

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(75 results)

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