Blue whiting March 17, 2022 10:21 AM
Pelagic vessel delivered to Faroese North Pelagic

Faroese pelagic and whitefish company North Pelagic has taken delivery of a new 90-meter vessel for fishing blue whiting, mackerel, capelin and herring

Vessels March 16, 2022 2:16 PM
Petition seeks to expand Alaska protection areas for North Pacific right whales

'Along with ship strikes, entanglement in fishing gear is the greatest threat to baleen whales, particularly for those with critically low numbers like North Pacific right whales' -- Center for Biological Diversity

Vessels March 15, 2022 9:25 AM
EU fleet faces stoppages, collapse as fuel price rises to record high

By María Feijóo

Spanish and European industry groups are eyeing strike action if they do not receive the aid they say is urgent, as fuel and logistics costs rocket

Analysis March 14, 2022 3:58 PM
Russian seafood ban will hit US industry hard, SENA speakers say

By Nick Sambides Jr.

The US Food and Drug Administration and US Customs are already tracing shipping worldwide in search of illegal activity as seafood producers reroute Russian traffic

Analysis March 13, 2022 5:53 PM
Expect shrimp prices to decline due to coming glut, Sedacca says

By Nick Sambides Jr.

Much of the shrimp that will help drive down prices is literally out to sea, on cargo ships, ordered when demand was high and shipping uncertain

Lobster March 11, 2022 5:34 PM
Boat-based researchers spot 21 right whales off Massachusetts coast

There has been very little boat-based right whale research in southern New England, and none in the winter months until now

Policy March 11, 2022 5:29 PM
Offshore wind bill advances in Hawaii without distance restrictions

Hawaii has no offshore wind farms, but two developers have three projects under review

Vessels March 10, 2022 7:16 PM
Alaska guv wants ban on Russian seafood imports

By Nick Sambides Jr.

Many US seafood importers oppose the measure, fearing that it could put further strain on their businesses

Processing March 9, 2022 6:15 PM
Bregal to sell Blue Harvest’s last dozen scallopers after deals for three others close

By Tom Seaman

With scallop vessels and licenses commanding a value of between $5 million and $7m, the 12 could net between $60m and $84m 

Shrimp March 9, 2022 4:44 PM
US tells shrimp harvesters to use turtle excluders

The devices have been required for decades in the larger, more common, offshore nets called otter trawls

(145 results)

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