In pictures
Peru’s food fish industry
Peru may be known for its fishmeal and fish oil industries, but its rapidly growing food fish industry boasts multiple species, from from scallops to giant squid and morePeru may be known for its fishmeal and fish oil industries, but its rapidly growing food fish industry boasts multiple species, from from scallops to giant squid and more.
As the industry begins to focus its energies on maximizing the amount of fish produced for human consumption, companies in the northern city of Piura were eager to welcome Undercurrent News and international buyers into their plants for tours.
The following gallery focuses on one of the seven companies we visited, Inversiones Prisco (iPrisco), which -- like most companies in Piura -- carries a diverse array of products in both frozen and canned forms. Also like other companies, the company sells anchovies for human consumption.
With just eight years in operation, the plant is equipped with new technology and cleaning systems that were strikingly spic and span for a place that employs 700 workers and is in action 24 hours per day.
Published Oct. 24, 2013