10-Nov-2020 2.00pm UK 3.00pm CET 9.00am NY 10.00pm Beijing  Tuesday, Nov 10, 2020

Flow-through salmon farming: has Norway reinvented the wheel?

Webinar: Flow-through salmon farming: Has...
Webinar: Land-based salmon farmers on th...
A group of Norwegian aquaculture investors has conjured up an innovative way to break the ceiling in world salmon supply. Re-inventing flow-through technology, the way that salmon companies used to operate hatcheries before embracing recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) as a sustainable solution. But this is not flow-through technology as we knew it. This is using robotics to clean water discharge. Using this novel concept, these companies have found a way to grow salmon to harvest weight on land, without needing to use risky RAS technology.